Warning: Use of undefined constant ‘init’ - assumed '‘init’' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/mako/data/www/mako.ru/wp-content/themes/jogy-child/functions.php on line 104

Warning: Use of undefined constant ‘wp_disable_new_user_notifications’ - assumed '‘wp_disable_new_user_notifications’' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/mako/data/www/mako.ru/wp-content/themes/jogy-child/functions.php on line 104
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Юр. адрес: 105062, г. Москва, Подсосенский пер., д. 14, стр.1

ОГРН: 1097746271545

ИНН/КПП: 7709830117/770901001

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к/c 30101810100000000716 в ОПЕРУ Московского ГТУ Банка России

БИК 044525716

ОКПО: 61718639